Smiling Frodo

The Bagginses

Home of the Lord of the Rings Caption Page (est. July 2002)

Please take a minute or two to fill out the polls. Thanks! It's always nice to have feedback. And if you feel that you would like to answer a question in more detail, feel free to leave a comment with the form at the bottom.

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How did you find the Caption Page?
Search Engine Someone told me about it Link from another site Through the Grey Panthers Pure coincidence   
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How often do you visit the Caption Page?
Daily. Once a week.  Every couple of weeks. Once a month You mean I should return?!   
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Does the Caption Page satisfy your expecations towards such a site?
Absolutely! Pretty much. It's okay. Not really. Not at all.    
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Would you say, from your experience, that the Caption Page is popular?
Very popular - I know several who visit. I guess it's quite popular.  No idea. No, not really.  It's a totally unknown site.    
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Do you think that Elijah Wood (or other members of the LotR cast) has seen the site? (Just out of curiosity)
Yes.  Most likely.  Probably not. No.   
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Do you think the Bagginses Multimedia Center is a good or a bad idea?
Good idea. Don't care. Bad idea.   
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Would you download the Caption Page as a Word Document for printout if it were available online?
Yes. No.    
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What do you think of LaWise's job on the site overall.
It's great. It's good. It's okay. Could be better. Rotten.    
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Would you recommend the site to a friend?
I can't wait to tell them! Yeah, if I remember... No idea. Naw, I wouldn't bother. Not at all...    
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How would you react if the Site went offline?
Oh the horror! Oh... what a shame. I wouldn't mind. Ah, one useless site less. Thank goodness it's gone!   
If you'd like to make any other comment (suggestions, things that upset you etc.), please use the following form:

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