Smiling Frodo

The Bagginses

Home of the Lord of the Rings Caption Page (est. July 2002)

Lij-Ambush! Ambush! Mayday! Mayday!!!
(submitted by the saviour of middle earth)

Lij- You guys! i dont think the straighteners were a good idea!
(submitted by the saviour of middle earth)

Lij-Arrrrgh! Who's driving this mean machine?! A rubber duck!!!!!!!!!!!
(submitted by the saviour of middle earth)

Orli-Get that photographer!
Lij-I ...can't..reach...him!
Dom-That's cos ur too darn small!
Lij-Shut up u over-grown hobbit!
(submitted by the saviour of middle earth)

Woman-We are the fashion police and we are arresting you for wearing a hidious shirt and and for that wig
Lij-this ain't a wig!!!
Man-Come along now, Mr Wood! You're goin down 4 a long time!
Lij-But this is one of Orli's shirts!
Woman-We'll be catching up ith him later..he's wanted 4 offensive fashion statements like that awful bangle!
P.S The bangle is an awful bangle he wears on A LOT of pics, you might have noticed it! (submitted by the saviour of middle earth)

Hmm...i think i may be a cyborg...
(by PippensLongLostSister,

I think they messed up the wigs!
(by PippensLongLostSister,

The Elf Warrior Dancing troop going to rigorus excerises from Elrond.
Elrond: Two three, kick, turn! Turn, turn kick turn!
(by IndyMcFly,

Picture by Bonafide Frodoholic, Elijah's Grey Panthers)

Sam - I have a feeling that this wasn't the way to Burger King!
(submitted by Merry and the Mushrooms, referring to this: