Home of the Lord of the Rings Caption Page (est. July 2002)
Geez this concrete is turning my cheeks to sculpted ice....
Better find something before the frostbite sets in.....
mmmm...starbucks...for once this is just not helping....
maybe a smoke will warm them up....
no good...i need something more practical....
hmmm...here come's a car...
hey man, I'm frozen from the waist down...can you give me a ride to Walmart????
EW: hmmph....Likely story!!!
Man w/Camera: Channel 4 News here on the scene live! We are diong a show on encounters with famous people. Sir, what were Mr. Wood's exact words to you?
Man in Car: Go figure...he asked me for a ride to Walmart for a heating pad...wierd.
I hate this...like clockwork, my buns freeze and my nose runs...er...a...better get back to the set....
Listen, I'm a pretty reasonable sort but I refuse to work one more hour in this condition...its just not worth it...sigh...
heeheehaha...my cheeks NOT my ears Lady...heeheehahah
Man: Mr. Wood, Sir, this just came in for you.
EW: a package for me?? UPS?????
It says that I've recieved a package...now who sent it...can't make it out....
Dude! its from the Grey Panthers! it says that "we know that are in in NY...we are sending this along for any emergencies"
doop dee doop dee doop dee dooooo....mmmm...warm.....now how am I EVER going to thank those Panters???!!!!!!!!