Home of the Lord of the Rings Caption Page (est. July 2002)
avatar by Dunwethien, Elijah's Grey Panthers
*suddenly, though, darkness creeps over the lands... *
*Jarring chord - eery silence...
... only the clatter of Nazgul gloves (they must be awfully uncomfortable, don't they ever rust?) can be heard...
Brandon - NOBODY expects the Nazgul Inquistion!!
Brandon - Our chief weapon is surprise....
... surprise and fear....
... our *two* weapons are fear and surprise...
... oh, and ruthless efficiency....
Brandon - Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency...
... and an almost fanatical devotion to Sauron...
Brendan (middle): Okay, our *four* ... no... *amongst* our weapons... Amongst our weaponry... are such elements as fear, surprise....
Charlie (left): Oh, get on with it!!
Tom (right) *to self*: Great he confused me and now I forgot my sword.
Brandon - I'll be back.... When I learned my text...
And lo! A white light appeared!
Thus came forth Gandalf, and verily he spoke:
'Where's me blimmin hat gone?'
by Queen Ian, Elijah's Grey Panthers"Can you sail under the command of a pirate?"
submitted by Lady of the Woodland RealmAs a reward for destroying the ring, the four hobbits received the honour of being the tallest people around for a day.
by Mango Madness, Elijah's Grey Panthersor:
Frodo demonstrates the proper approach to hobbit-sniffing: "Place the nose a little above the hairline and... *sniff, sniff* Sam, your hair smells like Strawberries.
by Taure Leafsilver, Elijah's Grey Panthers