Smiling Frodo

The Bagginses

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avatar by Dunwethien, Elijah's Grey Panthers

The Nazgul Inquisition

by LaWise
If you know the Monty Python Sketch about "The Spanish Inquisition", you'll get the joke. It should be slightly amusing even for the ones of you who don't know that sketch. *Scene: Green Shire, happy hobbits, birds singing....*

*suddenly, though, darkness creeps over the lands... *

*Jarring chord - eery silence...

... only the clatter of Nazgul gloves (they must be awfully uncomfortable, don't they ever rust?) can be heard...

Brandon - NOBODY expects the Nazgul Inquistion!!

Brandon - Our chief weapon is surprise....

... surprise and fear....

... our *two* weapons are fear and surprise...

... oh, and ruthless efficiency....

Brandon - Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency...

... and an almost fanatical devotion to Sauron...

Brendan (middle): Okay, our *four* ... no... *amongst* our weapons... Amongst our weaponry... are such elements as fear, surprise....
Charlie (left): Oh, get on with it!!
Tom (right) *to self*: Great he confused me and now I forgot my sword.

Brandon - I'll be back.... When I learned my text...

And lo! A white light appeared!

Thus came forth Gandalf, and verily he spoke:

'Where's me blimmin hat gone?'

by Queen Ian, Elijah's Grey Panthers

"Can you sail under the command of a pirate?"

submitted by Lady of the Woodland Realm

As a reward for destroying the ring, the four hobbits received the honour of being the tallest people around for a day.

by Mango Madness, Elijah's Grey Panthers


Frodo demonstrates the proper approach to hobbit-sniffing: "Place the nose a little above the hairline and... *sniff, sniff* Sam, your hair smells like Strawberries.

by Taure Leafsilver, Elijah's Grey Panthers