Home of the Lord of the Rings Caption Page (est. July 2002)
DM: Is....
EW: Isn't....
DM: Is....
EW: Isn't....
AS: Ok, already. Dom, your stack of pictures is bigger than Elijah's. Now. There.
EW: Isn't....
DM: Is....
EW: I'll give you 50 CDs, a BMW, and the rest of my water and pens if you'll finish signing these for me...
DM: uh.........................................no.
Er, Saruman, you might have overdone it just a LITTLE bit on the bleach there."
Aragorn: Is it just me or are you missing a leg...
Frodo: Cursed orcs..
Elrond, some rumours have been spreaded lately regarding our masculinity, and frankly, I don't think the dresses help.
(by Ivy Took, taken from Palace of Galadriel)